When I first heard this series was gonna be animated by Shaft I thought we would have another Bake and Madoka on our hands. After actually watching the series I realized that I might have overestimated this series. Denpa Onna was missing the one thing all series should have which was "Story". I can honestly say that the only thing this series had going was character design. With that in mind OH GOD THAT CHARACTER DESIGN HNGGGGGGGGGG!!!! Achem..sorry I got a little sidetracked there. Seriously though it's not like the story was bad it's just that it wasn't as enticing as the story Bake or Madoka had. It's actually quite interesting how ridiculously good the character designs this series had. Both Denpa and Haganai had the same original light novel character designer but the anime design Haganai had wasn't as attractive. I certainly couldn't pinpoint the difference but if I had to guess it was the sparkles. Sales for this series is only average with it floating around 5000~ per volume with just Blu-ray. It's possible for a sequel but Shaft have two golden gooses that they can milk so they might not be willing to spend time on this. If they do it then it really is for the fans.
Nice to see you again after so long Erio


Ryuushi is cute even when she's sad

No matter how I look at it she doesn't seem to be wearing underwear

Nice to see you again too Yashiro

So close yet so far

Yashiro is Sephiroth

Sparkle sparkle
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