Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oshino Shinobu

If you have watched this week's episode then you would know that it re-introduces the character of Oshino Shinobu into the series. This episode is possibly one of the most important if not THE most important episode of the series as a whole. As you might have noticed already from my banner, Shinobu is my favorite character so this episode plays a great importance to me as well.

For all you anime-only watchers you probably remember her as that blonde loli that appears once in a while during the first season. Since she didn't say anything or did anything of great importance (other than saving Araragi's life at the end of the season) you probably shrugged her off as a background character. Now I don't blame you for thinking that since she really was pretty useless during that period. With that in mind, you are probably thinking about how is such a character important to the series? Well let's just say that we'll be seeing A LOT of her in the future.

SPOILER AHEAD, read with caution

Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Chinese Year and New Beginning!

I've had a keen interest in writing for a while now but I've never actually done any of the sort other than ones relating to school work. With the start of this blog I want to write more. There really isn't a set topic that I'll focus on so I'll just write about anything that have my attention at the time.

Please don't expect too much from this blog since it really is just me ranting about stuff that interests me.